ASC Purchases Streatham Hill
ASC is happy to share that it has completed the purchase of 47c Streatham Hill.
Given the current economic climate this is a huge achievement that involved raising over £2,000,000. We are very grateful to the London Borough of Lambeth for providing grant funding totalling £200,000 through the ‘Future Workspace Fund’. Without this support the purchase would not have been possible.
We are planning a program of improvement works to the property that includes a new roof, heating system and gallery. We will be holding a launch event upon completion of these works, the date of which will be announced soon.
ASC has leased 47C Streatham Hill since 2006 however the lease was due to expire in August 2021. In purchasing the property ASC has secured the workspaces of 57 local artists and protected an amazing creative community in perpetuity.

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