M2 Artists: Recent Work 2
The second of two consecutive exhibitions featuring the recent work of over 50 artists. A joyous gathering of diverse art forms each contained inside a metre square space. The artists have all previously shown work at the m2 Gallery Peckham and have been brought together here to celebrate the life of Ken Taylor.
MAY 26 @ 10:00 AM – JUNE 16 @ 5:00 PM
Featuring: Mark Cousins, Matthew Webber, Carol Mancke, Iain Hales, Neville Gabie, Julia Manheim, Stuart Mayes, Megan Visser, Jacqueline Poncelet, Jo Lewis, Mutalib Man, Harriet Hill, Anthony Coleman, Gen Doy, Anna Heinrich and Leon Palmer, Kate McLeod, Fran Cottell, Irene Pérez Hernández, Ruth Philo, Dunhill and O’Brien, Benjamin Jenner, Maiko Tsutsumi, Neil Brownsword, Ruth Franklin, Alister Magee, Helen Dowling, Kate Mccgwire

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