Hula Hoop Fever & I Still Miss My Dad | Exhibition
‘Molisso’s installation, woven over months, creates a physical record of grieving during the pandemic and a confession about her own mental illness. The installation documents the tiny and daily actions needed to live with grief; the repetitive, boring, and sometimes ridiculous rituals needed to move from day to day. The work provides a glimpse into the contradictions inherent in mental health struggles and its coping mechanisms. You may be able to party hard at your Dad’s wake, but if Tesco has run out of Hula Hoops you might just break down and cry.
The installation will be joined over the weeks by videos from other artists working with ideas surrounding coping and mental health management, and that particular weirdness that can accompany it.
Marylyn studied at Reading University and graduated with an MA from Central Saint Martins in 2018. She was the recipient of the Helen Scott Lidgett Studio Award in 2018, as part of the Acme Graduate Programme, which culminated in a group show at PEER Gallery in 2019. ‘
Marylyn was the winner of ASCs 21 fATHOMS open exhibition held in ASC gallery September 2021.
From 21 exhibited artists ,chosen from over a 200 entries from ASC based artists, Marylyns work was given 1st prize by artist and judge Julie Verhoeven and received £500 artist materials fund and an solo exhibition at ASC Gallery. Having a studio at ASC Bow Studios , Marylyn has developed a unique installation project and work steadily over the last 6 months ,bringing her ideas to life.
JUNE 24 @ 10:00 AM – JULY 29 @ 5:00 PM

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