I dropped my eye into the sea | Unit 3 Projects
PV: 18/04/2024 from 6-9pm
Exhibition Open: 19/04/24 – 30/04/24 from 12-6pm
Unit 3 Projects | ASC Empson Street – Unit 3, Empson Street, London E3 3LT
I dropped my eye into the sea
Group exhibition at Unit 3 Projects, ASC Empson Street.
Lena Brazin @lena_brazin
Mark Burchart @markburchart
Clare Rees-Hales @clarereeshales
Harry Hugo Little @harryhugolittle
Marco Piccari @piccari.marco
Geraldine Swayne @geraldineswayne
Jaime Valtierra @jaime_valtierra_studio

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