In/Between: Process, Practice, Presence | Brixton Beneficiary
A joint exhibition by ASC Stockwell Road artists and UAL students at our project space, Brixton Beneficiary.
In/Between: Process, Practice, Presence
Motivated by an interest in exploring and unpacking the dynamics of how space, history, and process are entwined within the ecosystem of the artist’s studio, In/Between: Process, Practice, Presence reveals this through the lens of the artists’ archives and how these are formed and maintained as part of their creative process.
Over the summer of 2024, students were welcomed into ASC’s Brixton space and given access to their project space. Through encountering, visiting, and interviewing artists and practitioners, they became familiar with the studio space, renewed with intimacies typically hidden.
This exhibition is an opportunity to experience the increments, constituents and by-products of the creative process of practitioners working within ASC studios located at the corner of Brixton Road and Stockwell Road. Leaning on personal archives in the form of repositories, objects and experiments put in conversation, the aim is to showcase the idiosyncrasies and nuances of the artistic process and the space in which they first come into being.
Opening Night: Friday 15 November, 6-9pm
- On this opening night, viewers can see and participate in the In/Between exhibition where the repositories, objects and experiments collated from 10 artists are put into conversation which each other. In this dynamic interaction between artists, viewers, space, and objects, In/Between will become an activated space that reveals that which is intimate and hidden about space and process.
Private View: Saturday 16 & Sunday 17 November, 1-5pm
- The following two days will see the exhibition continue, but now paired with tours of artist studios and an opportunity to directly talk with the artists involved and experience these spaces that house their processes directly.
(Click [here] or scan the QR code to RSVP any of the three days)
Brixton Beneficiary | ASC Stockwell Road, 246 Stockwell Road, London SW9 95P (map)

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