Return Flight – Peter John Fish | Exhibition
September – November 2020
ASC Gallery | The Chaplin Centre, Taplow House, Thurlow Street, London, SE17 2DG
10th September – 13th November
Peter J. Fish’s work flits between quietly intriguing, thoughtful, mesmeric to more accelerated flights of fancy. Fronting this first post lockdown exhibition at ASC Gallery, a single coded moth and trio of transparent cast resin Latin crosses, dinky objects of desire preserved in amber beams.
The Small Hadron Collider series are truths told slant, questioning both individual perception plus how art and the world is framed and viewed. A luminescent triptych blends sacred shapes together with cartoon characters made using Hama beads, a child’s plaything. Light works dance ethereally, shimmying their eclipsed astral flicker. A plaintive miniature balcony forsakes romance, preferring instead allusions to particle physics. More moths whisper round the gallery, wings variously flecked with markings ethical and ludic.
Throughout, Fish’s thinking and making is imbued with wit, wonder, patient exploration and a teasing and testing of incongruities between form, materials and meanings. The results, impeccably crafted, are delighting collisions.
Text by Adrian Burnham and lighting by Nick Peel

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