Slade Mid-Year Show 2023: ‘Slide a Glance’
Throughout January 2023, ASC Gallery will host the Slade Postgraduate mid-year show. The event offers MA/MFA Painting students in their final year the opportunity to exhibit work ahead of their degree show.
This will be the fourth time that ASC has hosted a mid-year show with the Slade, providing students a space to develop their practice in off-site projects.
In 2018, the first link between ASC Studios and UCL’s Slade School of Fine Art was established with ‘The Field’. This exhibition featured 22 first-year MA Painting students and was initiated by ex-ASC Studios artist Sarah Tew. This relationship continued in 2019 with ‘Pulling Teeth’, also featuring first-year Fine Art MA students.
Following the Covid-19 pandemic, this link was reestablished in 2022 with an adjusted focus on final-year students across the mixed MA/MFA Fine Art in ‘Why Don’t You Dance?’. This year, we are delighted to again welcome 18 final-year Slade students to ASC with their exhibition, ‘Slide a Glance’.
Darren O’Brien, Exhibitions Director at ASC, says:
“Since 2018, ASC has been happy to host the Slade MA Painting students in ASC Gallery’s January opening show. It has worked well giving young artists a chance to curate and show in a professional setting, get a taste of what post college life is like, and push their work forwards and upwards.”
‘Slide a Glance’ will commence with a private view on Friday 13th January, 6-9pm, at the ASC Gallery. It continues until Monday 27th January with opening hours on weekdays from 10am – 5pm.
We would like to share our thanks to Slade Painting tutor Lisa Milroy for her enthusiasm in starting the relationship between ASC Studios and Slade School of Fine Art back in 2018.
Image from Slade MA show at ASC Gallery, January 2022, ‘Why Don’t You Dance’

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